Modeling for a sustainable supply chain

A second research postdoc project is being developed as part of the supply chain of the future chair to start in September 2021 and last 18 months.
The goal of the post doc research project is to propose a decision-making model taking into account the environmental impact in the strategic choices of supply chain organization (industrial footprint, choice of suppliers…).
All industrial companies regularly ask themselves on the question of the “footprint” of their operations ie as well :
- On the upstream part : choice between local and distant suppliers, to what extent and on which products should multi-sourcing be planned ?
- On the manufacturing part : relevance of the industrial plan (size, number and location of factories). Is the multi-sourcing policy appropriate ?
- On the downstream logistics part : is the logistics plan (number and position of my warehouses) appropriate to the distribution constraints and service objectives ? How to optimize allocation of products to these warehouses ?
The Covid crisis has underlined the fragility of sone schemes, especially the very specialized ones or the ones with production operations too far from customers. The environmental constraints also test actual schemes. THe above questions will thus become much more critical in years to come.
The postdoc research subject is supervised by Vincent Leclere, researcher at the CERMICS (laboratory of the school of Ponts ParisTech).
Activities that bring together scientific, technological, organisational, social and environmental issues